Today, Anna, Maia and Gry from the INSISTER SPACE board went to Folkets Hus Bagarmossen for a brunch with the topic “Kan vi skapa en ny plattform för dans i Stockholm?” (Can we create a new platform for dance in Stockholm?). The brunch was an initiative from Anders Jacobsson and Niki Tsappos whom are both dancers living on the metro line that runs through Bagarmossen.

Some things that were discussed:

– how can we, the practitioners within the field of dance and choreography, find more ways to collaborate and learn from each other?
– where can this be done? Bagis folkets hus has the resources and wants to keep the conversation going between the initiative and them
– What are the possibilities and what would it mean to work cross disciplinary with hip hop and contemporary dance? In the same house, learning from each other?
– how can we create daily training for street dancers?

The board of INSISTER SPACE also got an oppurtunity to introduce the organisation – what it does and how it works. We also talked about possibilies of using Bagis folkets hus as a space to work in in the future.

Anna Fischler through INSISTER SPACE

// Underneath, a picture taken on the metro back from the meeting (green line, but not suburb) as we’re still practicing documenting and forgot to take a picture of the big table with food coffee and nice people at the meeting.